Saturday, November 8, 2008

Talking with God--Y'all can eavesdrop if you want


I’m just gonna be real with you—I want someone.

I want someone that will hold me in his arms.
I want someone that will fight me when I need comfort and don’t want it.
I want someone that will let me complain to him and not think any less of me for being petty.
I want someone that will argue with me (tactfully) and not get walked all over.
I want someone that will lean in close to check my temperature.
I want someone that will build the drum roll.
I want someone that will love You with an intense passion.
I want someone in whom I can fall in love with You.
I want someone who will bear with me watching the same things over and over and forgetting things just as often
I want someone to try new things with but also to enjoy the quietness of the familiar.
I want someone that will watch over me, that I know will be a strong sure presence in my life—on whom I can lean
But I want someone that I don’t put in Your place, but rather who brings me to the place where You are—and where I need to be.

And as difficult as it is, I’m going to try and wait as best as I can until You say the time is right, because You always know so much better than I do, even though I don’t always realize it at the time.

But it’s sure hard.


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