Thursday, November 27, 2008

Daddy Moments

My dad's not a touchy feely kinda person. We never really talk or talked when I was growing up. He doesn't ask me about my life for the most part. When we're together, we coexist fairly amicably, but we don't have conversations about the depths of philosophy, or about much of anything to be perfectly frank.

However, there are those "daddy moments" when we do something together-a special connection that are unique and something I treasure so much. For example, when he got a new piece of stereo equipment he'd come knock on my door (well, he doesn't really knock, just kinda opens it--but it sticks enough for me to have ampl warning haha) and he'll be like, "Come listen to this." And even though there's not much emotion in it, I can tell that he's excited about his new toy and wants to show it off. He'll put on my favorite cd from growing up: Kenny Loggins "Return to Pooh Corner" and we'd sit in the dark and listen.

Occaisionally he'll talk-something'll spark a memory and he'll tell me about something that happened to him. But they have to be unprompted and spontaneous. Those are priceless little nuggets.

Today, we had another one. He comes in the kitchen this morning while my mom is starting the Thanksgiving preparations and is like, "I wanna make biscuits." And my mom said, "Why don't you wait til tomorrow when the kitchen's free?" But he wanted to make them today. Now, you must understand that my dad is not the cook of the family. The only thing he makes is egg McMuffins on Sundays after church. So he had to wait til the pumpkin pie was out of the oven and then he came to find me in my room, which I wasn't in. I found him in the hallway though, right outside my room and was like, "I can help you." And he said, "Yes you are helping me." Haha.
He was so lost in the kitchen. "Where's this?" "Where's that?" "How do I cut the shortening in to the flour?" "What's it supposed to look like?" Haha. He was so funny. So I was in the kitchen reading him the recipe and telling him where stuff was and how to do different things. It was so cute.

One of the spontaneous Daddy moments--priceless and treasured. *warm fuzzies*


1 comment:

  1. That's really awesome roomie =) I like your story, and I'm glad you got to spend that special kind of time with your dad :D
