Saturday, November 15, 2008

In response to "I'm Never Sorry I Met You"

However, there's a fine line between healthy self confidence and annoying cockiness. And most people (or those that I know) tend to err on the side of too little rather than too much.

You never see yourself the same way that others see you. I can tell you til I'm blue in the face that you're a beautiful, amazing person (and it is the utter truth)

But when you say the same to me, it's really hard to believe you.

Because when it comes to me, there are things about me that you just don't know.

And I can't afford to be wrong about me, whereas I can about you (which is not to by any means negate the above mentioned claim about you--this is just a principle issue). Although I suppose that's just a defense mechanism; however, it's one that I cannot change. I don't know if I need to.

I think a good dose of humbleness would do us (and our nation) a bit of good--a good dose of reality and where we stand in relation to it and to God and to each other.

As I said initially, a balance between confidence and cockiness.

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