Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Message

I just want to say thank you.
This is rather random but i wanted to say thanks because I don't always think I say it enough to the people who deserve it. When you're too busy trying to make sure that everyone's happy, you forget that those same people are the reason you run back to TBPW after some really really boring classes.
So thanks. I don't want to say bye yet, but i know that it's coming soon. It coming up in conversation and silences our once nostalgic faces, smiling in remembrance of some past joke or story. And then I tell Anh that she can come to the Death Cab concert next year, and we both go silent...
I can't handle that. I don't want to either.
So thanks you all for being you, and I know you don't all have blogs but I really love my roommates so much! And Kim, oh Kim, just being herself is everything that makes me smile and laugh.
Samwise, my dear hobbity friend (don't tell I said that or she'll get mad!), she will always be like the real Sam, always there, strong and yet funny and always smiling.
Bich, haha she is so giving. The most generous person I know.
And yes, Peter counts too as one of 'em! If you don't know him, you better because he is so very nice! (and i might add, has great taste in music, from my biased opinion)
Cheryl, my artsy and enigmatic friend, I will always want to know more about you and wish you could show the world it through film.
And Kristen, one of the strongest people I've ever met, YES you are AWESOME!, I hope that we will always be pretty much roomies no matter what kind of telepathy people insinuate is present!
And Anh, oh Anh, you are so sweet and just adorable! I wish you could stay longer and keep us all smiling!
And Allison, so bubbly! you are wonderful and I'm glad when you come over. You never let anything keep you down, ever. I'm watching out for you because I care! (and I won't get worried! I promise!)
To Brian, my friend who is the best editor in the DFW area, thank you for reading my papers and tolerating my presence since sophomore year! Seriously, thanks.
And Don, who is always willing to do anything to make someone happy, you are the bomb! I hope you get to greet the world with your caring attitude!
And even Quanny-Quan, you are cool. Outspoken, but cool. You are great and an awesome addition to the upstairs apartment and to its fridge. hehe Your arguing, although frustrating at times, reminds me of debates that I enjoy at home with my dad. so thanks. And no, you're really not as bad as we all joke about you being, sometimes. maybe. no really I'm kidding again.

Just because I'm always trying to be nice doesn't mean that what I say isn't any less true.

I love you all.

-JChoc, yo =)

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