Monday, January 19, 2009

Okay. On a bit more serious note. I've been debating about whether or not (and how) to mention this...
I found out last Monday that my grandma has ovarian cancer... and it's not a good one to have (if there is such a thing as a 'good' cancer). She goes to see the oncologist Thursday so we'll know more then, but from what they know so far, if the treatment/surgery/chemo all work the best possible she still only has more or less three years left. And there's not even a good chance that the treatment will work that well...

So, needless to say Monday was not a good night.

But, since then, I'm kinda in the limbo state of "I don't know what to do." I can't just go see her, but then again, those times are so numbered now that I'm wondering if I shouldn't being trying to somehow get up there the most I can. How can I keep living as normal when I know she's dying with every day? It has definitely put a bit of perspective in my life, but this is the first time I've ever really had to deal with something like this... so I still have this surreal feeling, infused with waves of sadness.



  1. i'm sorry to hear about your grandma. i'm sure i'll talk to you about this in person later, but I just wanted to comment now that i'll be praying for you and the family and your grandma.


  2. i'm so sorry to hear that, if you need anything, there's 11 of us always here for you
