Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's all about that PR (personal responsibility)

Okay okay, so I am watching Moulin Rouge (for the second time), this crazy movie about true love overcoming all odds right. (Yay happy idealism and actually a movie that has nothing to do with the following subject matter really) Then I look around and see people with life pretty much well put together (or appear so--good fakers...) And then now I remember a conversation with the other contributor to this blog. I realize and know that I don't want to talk about the future (aka graduating from Adult Day Care...I mean, college). And no, I don't want to talk about it. I don't really want to talk about it. It literally makes me queasy. Okay, I take it back.
Well, am I the only one kinda freaked about this sort of thing? Not having life all together and yet being thrust into another transition, another future? Sure I've got plans, but do I really want to follow through with them? Will the pieces fall into place so that I can go through those plans? I guess you can't really worry about those things you cannot really change, but still, that's a pretty huge question mark.
And another thing, have I changed enough to handle these additional changes. I may be the age that I am, but am I ready? Is this typical talk from a graduating senior? Aack probably.
Inner perfectionist says "everything must make sense. everything must make sense." And it doesn't. I know that it won't.
But still, really?
I guess someday I will read this and laugh. That is, if I got accepted to even more schooling and then get a career and then can afford a good computer and a house and a car and pay off loans and pay my taxes and buy my groceries and get married and start a family.....
and the list goes on and on


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