Beautiful huh?
On the way back I had a nice long conversation with God... which was so nice (just rather unfortunate that it takes me being a captive audience to get me to stop long enough to listen... *note to self* must work on that). It feels so nice to be honest about everything and to know that He knows about everything, cares about it, and holds it all in His hands.
He reiterated to me that I am NOT in charge of my life; I do NOT have to figure it out by myself. It's like the fog that was blanketing the road last night: I can only see about thirty yards ahead of me, but that's all I really need for the time being. He continues to reveal the next thirty yards when I get there, but I have to take it thirty yards at a time; that's exactly the amount presented to me at a time (no more, no less).
I'm so worried about careers and jobs and family and marriage--if and when and how these will all work out--but I feel this peace about next year, that somehow He's already got it all worked out. Even though on some level, only having two school options freaks me out (like putting all my fragile eggs in one basket), but I know that He will direct me one step at a time. I believe that He's leading me to one of the two grad schools I'm looking at, and if He is, then everything will fall into place; therefore, no need to worry. And if He isn't, I don't want to be there anyway--I don't want anything but what He wants (although I will admit that letting these go would be quite the faith-trying time for me; but if that's what He has planned for me then bring it). It's such a relief to know that my future is in hands more capable than my own (much MUCH more capable). I just need to listen and trust... and follow those thirty yards as He reveals them.
Man, that's a beautiful picture!
ReplyDeletebut man, what. a. punch. in. gut!! You're so right, and God does have it all worked out for you! He won't "make a road map and leave you to figure it out"! He's there and He knows what He's doing for you! Crazy is that we heard a message emphasizing that this morning! God really knows how to hammer it home. =)
Keep believing what you wrote and everything will keep going in your best interest and according to plan! :)
I KNOW!! I thought that very thing this morning when she said that. I think I probably snickered or something lol.
ReplyDeleteHey, thanks for the link to the blog. Seriously amazing picture. Also, I'm glad you shared what God is revealing in your life (or not revealing). See you tomorrow night!
ReplyDeleteHeya! Me again! Man, I just listened to "Somewhere in the Middle" and I remember you told me once how it really hit you, and y'know, it just blasted me! haha the line where he says, "somewhere in between contented peace and always wanting more". sheesh that's me. wanting a grand plan from God but not actually hearing when He whispers it to me. I need to look at JUST those 30 yards ahead, nothing more. :) thanks again for the post!
Awesome! I love that song. *goes to listen to it now*
ReplyDeleteWoke up, can't go back to sleep, ended up here. :)
ReplyDeleteInspiring picture and message. It's the recurring theme of what all my heroes preach: one. thing. at. a. time.
I don't know what it is. God-letting-us-take-a-deep-breath-ness? End-of-the-year-itis? Bigger-stuff-happening-that-puts-everything-else-into-perspective-ocity?
Maybe... [just] maybe... we're growing up.